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Published October 27, 2023

Betterment Clause: What is it and how does it work?

When it comes to car insurance, there is a fairly misunderstood and overlooked term in the claim process called the "betterment clause." In this article, we will explain what betterment is and how it can affect your claim.
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Published May 30, 2023
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5 Ways to Save Money On Your Auto Insurance

Auto insurance premium prices vary widely by company and risk factors that are tailored for each driver. Some auto insurance companies charge higher rates than others, but there are several ways to reduce your monthly premiums without compromising your level of coverage.
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Published September 21, 2022
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Why was I Charged a Betterment Fee After My Accident?

As the dust begins to settle after an accident, you may be surprised to see a betterment charge from your insurance company.
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Published July 21, 2022
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Mechanical Breakdown Insurance: Protect Your Car From Unexpected Repairs

This car insurance helps you budget for breakdowns, such as the loss of a transmission or a blown head gasket, once the manufacturer's warranty has ended. Mechanical breakdown insurance is separate from your liability or full coverage
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Published June 27, 2022
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Do you really need Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Insurance Coverage?

You might also be surprised to learn that uninsured motorist coverage isn’t a requirement in most states. Learn about uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage to understand the differences between these two types of coverage.
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